Groundbreaking spray paints.
Road markings perform an important function for safe roads. Road markings guide pedestrians, cyclists, cars, buses and trucks safely on their way – especially in fog, wet and dark conditions.
Line-like markings are used to divide traffic into different lanes and directions. Pavement markings provide an economical and effective method of directing and controlling traffic.
Technology description
The BASCOpaint spray paints convince with their easy workability as well as fast drying. The 1- and 2-component inks are formulated on the basis of high-quality pure acrylic resins. The 2-component ink is additionally epoxy-modified, resulting in higher resistance, better adhesion and longer durability. BASCOpaint spray paints are applied by low-pressure or airless spraying and manually by roller.
Your advantages at a glance
Low solvent
Fast machine processing
Fast traversability
Lasting quality for two to three years
(depending on traffic and layer thickness) -
Very good price / performance ratio
BASCOpaint products are mainly used on asphalt or concrete pavements, for edge and center lines, parking lots, clearance markings or other markings in the public or private sector.
We offer you tested quality. Because you rely on us.